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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: RTF linebreak
I have managed to create a driver for html that does what I want. I don't know if I have taken the shortest/best route, but I am satisfied with the output for now. The problem that I am trying to solve now is to make similar changes to the print stylesheets. As an example, I am trying to control the format of the author's address, and would like to be able to force line breaks. I have tried (literal "\line ") and openjade complains. I have tried (literal "\\line ") and that "works" in that '\\line ' appears with the document text and is not treated as formatting control. If I manually edit the rtf output and delete one of the two '\' characters, then I get a line break as I had expected. I have tried various other approaches, bounded only by my creativity, that I will be happy to share with you when you have more time.... Can anyone either give me some guidance in this forum, or point me to resources or examples? Thanks, Lane. -- Lane Stevens Terrapin Technologies, Inc. http://www.cycletime.com
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