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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Visual editing

Hello Chris,

> Are there any things that
>   you would like to see in an editor,
>   you think are great in the one you use,
>   or really irritate you?

What I like in XML Spy:
- the project approach where you bring multiple XML files, XSL
files, schemas and entities together.
- the enhanced grid view, which hides the XML tags from a user.
This way, you can put more time into content instead of
- XSL processors can be invoked from within the editor.

At the sime time, what I hate about the enhanced grid view: the
fact that the width of the view always changes whenever I
expand/collapse a block. The "Optimal widths" function must
always be invoked manually.

Another idea: why write an XML editor from scratch? I think a
tool like KDevelop can be extended to support an XML/XSL editing
mode with hooks to several tools to process the XML/XSL files.
The basic KDevelop application structure is already available...

Just my $0.02,


Ringo De Smet
Email @ home: Ringo.DeSmet@bigfoot.com
Email @ work: Ringo.DeSmet.atwork@bigfoot.com

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