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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Répondre DOCBOOK: Visual editing

Hi Chris,

> We have begun writing an XML editor for KDE and would like to hear your
> ideas.  We will be providing direct support for DocBook, so if you are a
> DocBook user...

Perhaps an odd idea but however ...

I would like to ease the creation of XML documents 
(in particular DocBook XML) for non-technical people 
by having some pre-defined forms on the Web that 
you fill in and the contents is being converted to DocBook XML.

This is certainly not a solution for very complicated 
structures but could help a lot in creating simple, more 
or less standardized documents (articles in my case), 
especially for people doing this only very occasionally. 
They wouldn't need to have the XML editor installed 
locally but could access it via a Web interface.

Do you think that's very exotic?

Since I'm not on the docbook-apps list, could you please 
reply to me or to the docbook list at

All the best,


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