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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: New DocBook intro article
siaco@id.pl writes: > I'm using SGML version of DocBook, and someone on this list > suggested some time ago to look at the XML version. Could you give > me a location, where I find something about it ? I mean tools, tips, > tutorial and so on. Take a look at the newly released article "Getting started with the DocBook XML dialect" by David Mertz at IBM's developerWorks site: http://www-4.ibm.com/software/developer/library/xml-matters3.html At the end of the article, he writes: This column provides you with only enough information to get a general sense of DocBook. Subsequent columns will cover DocBook tags in greater detail and describe how they are structured. In addition, I have yet to discuss how to convert DocBook documents to more directly readable formats, how to validate them, and how to perform processing operations on them. Stay tuned. ...so it sounds like David has in mind to write a series of "how to" articles on DocBook. I don't know if he subscribes to docbook-apps, but I've sent a note to him suggesting the he might want to look to the list for feedback on the article and for suggestions on the other DocBook articles he has planned. --Mike Smith -- Michael Smith mailto:smith@xml-doc.org XML-DOC http://www.xml-doc.org/ see also: Logopoeia http://www.logopoeia.com/
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