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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Transformations for Python synopsis

Hello, does anybody have started to work on synopsis rendering for Python 
classes and functions?

I have taken a look about this (DocBook 4.1.2 XML) with DSSSL in the print 
directory files (to get output in rtf), but I'm more ok with C++ or Python 
code than with DSSSL code and DocBook knowledge.

Another question, if we must use the role attribute for that (I have seen 
support for Java and OMG-IDL), how? (like role="python" ?)



Laurent POINTAL - CNRS/LURE - Service Informatique Experiences
Tel/fax: 01 64 46 82 80 / 01 64 46 41 48
email  : pointal@lure.u-psud.fr  ou  lpointal@planete.net 

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