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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: page numbering


I have some problem with page numbering with docbook 3.1, jade 1.2.1 ,
sgmltools 2.0.2 &
docbook-stylesheets 1.57 :

(define %page-number-restart #t)
(define %article-page-number-restart #t)

don't seem to work, as a get page number like 1-21 (end of chapter 1) and 2-22
(beginning of chapter 2)...and i'd like to have page "1" corresponding to my
first chapter, and not page 7 as I get now, because toc, titlepage, rev.
history get numbered.

I'am also looking the way to have "roman" page numbering for preface and toc
(i, ii,iii...) and numeral numbering beginning at page 1 for my first real
chapter. Does anyone have an idea on the way to get this ?


Frédéric Dubuy <f.dubuy@atrid.fr>
Atrid - Services et applications en informatique libre 

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