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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Redefining label-title-sep

Hi guys,

With earlier versions of Norm's stylesheets, I could do:

      (element warning ($admonition$))
      (element (warning title) (empty-sosofo))
      (element (warning para) ($admonpara$))
      (element (warning simpara) ($admonpara$))
      (element caution ($admonition$))
      (element (caution title) (empty-sosofo))
      (element (caution para) ($admonpara$))
      (element (caution simpara) ($admonpara$))

      (define en-warning-label-title-sep ": ")
      (define en-caution-label-title-sep ": ")

which would have <warning> and <caution> handled the same way as <note>,
<tip>, and so on.

I've just noticed that the *-label-title-sep stuff isn't being used for the
latest stylesheets.  Poking around common/dbl1en.dsl it looks as though the
mechanism for overriding them has changed, and now I need to override the
en-label-title-sep list.

Can I do that piecemeal, and just override the warning and caution entries,
or does my stylesheet customisation have to duplicate the definition of
en-label-title-sep to override things?


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