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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: images and XSL ver 1.22

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though the content model of bookinfo and mediaobject indicate that that the
toplevel bookinfo allows for mediaobject to be used within bookinfo
with this markup nothing seems to happen
<imagedata fileref="path to image" format="PNG"/>
<imagedata fileref="path to my image" format=GIF></imagedata>

bug? any fix

and also
with this scenario

<imagedata fileref="path to image" format="PNG"/>
<imagedata fileref="path to my image" format=GIF></imagedata>

i expected the HTML output to have relevant referance to both the image files
and the application(netscape or I.E) to make the appropriate selection to
available media type gif or png
but this is not happening
am i doing something wrong? or the appropriate templates are not there?
i also remember norman responding to this problem and was fixed but was it only
for DSSL ( the fix i mean)

thank you in advance

                To tread the sharp edge of a sword
                To run on smooth-frozen ice,
                One needs no footsteps to follow.
                Walk over the cliffs with hands free.


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