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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Conditional Transformation with XSL
/ Ali Saffari <asaffari@pironet.com> was heard to say: | Well actually this doesn't work at all. Now I get even more currupted | output! We got a little workaround for this problem now, so it's not | that tragic. Maybe these kind of customization is too complex for the | XSL-Engines availabe right now!! Anyway thanks for the tip ;-) What XSL engine are you using? And can you send me a small test document and your customization layer that demonstrates the corruption? | It would be nice for future versions of the stylesheets to take care | of some kind of userdefined conditions to generate output and some | userdefined conditions to ignore certain type of tags. This conditions | should be expressed in the common attribute "condition". If it turns out that it can't be done with a customization, I'll think about adding something. Be seeing you, norm -- Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | Simplicity is always a http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | virtue.--Edward Abbey Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |
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