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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: DocBook list guidelines
/ Nik Clayton <nik@nothing-going-on.demon.co.uk> was heard to say: | I assume you're going from DocBook (XML) to Plain Text to produce these. | Out of interest, are you doing the "XML -> HTML -> Text" route, or do you | have a processor that goes XML -> Text? I'm going the HTML->Text route with w3m[1], a very spiffy text-only HTML browser. From the W3M Home Page: w3m is a pager/text-based WWW browser. It is a similar application to Lynx, but it has several features Lynx doesn't have. w3m can render table. w3m can render frame. (it converts the frames into a table) w3m can display documents given from standard input easily. [1] http://ei5nazha.yz.yamagata-u.ac.jp/~aito/w3m/eng/ Be seeing you, norm -- Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | 'Heartless Cynics,' the young men http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | shout, / Blind to the world of Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | Fact without; / 'Silly Dreamers,' | the old men grin / Deaf to the | world of Purpose within.--W. H. | Auden
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