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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: disappearing header


Nobody replied to my message, I then post it again.
I also tried dvipdf utility, it gives once again the same result.
I guess the problem is then in jadetex...

The paper size settings seems to be wrong.


camille@mandrakesoft.com a écrit :
> Hi,
> Just noticed a strange behavior of postscript output by jadetex and
> dvips.
> If you take the resulting .ps and then convert it to PDF, the header
> (typically the name of the chapter) is cut.
> Even performing a ps2ps conversion ("ps2ps  uses  gs(1)  to convert
> PostScript(tm) file "input.ps" to simpler and (usually) faster
> PostScript in "output.ps"") I get the same result!
> Any idea?
> Thanks, Camille.

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