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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Fwd: RE: saxon and entity resolver
Hello DaveP this might be some help to you! regards maddy ---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Subject: RE: saxon and entity resolver Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 17:07:34 -0000 From: Kay Michael <Michael.Kay@icl.com> SAXON XSL Discussion List - http://users.iclway.co.uk/mhkay/saxon/ > i assume saxon has some sort of entity(URL) resolver i.e. if > i have used an > external entity say for example a DTD i will use something like this: > using PUBLIC (an web address) > or > SYSTEM (path on my sytem) > saxon resolves this using its internal mechanism. For references resolved by the XML parser (e.g. the reference to the DTD) you can use a SAX2 EntityResolver. You can only do this if you are using the Java API: create a parser, nominate the chosen EntityResolver to the parser, and then nominate the parser to Saxon. I don't know if there are "off-the-shelf" SAX2 EntityResolvers that perform the function you are looking for. For references resolved by the XSLT processor (URIs used in the document() function and in xsl:import and xsl:include) you can nominate a URIResolver to Saxon directly. You can do this either from the Java API or from the command line. It's very unlikely you'll find an off-the-shelf one, as the interface is not (yet) standard. Mike Kay ______________________________________________________________________ To unsubscribe, write to saxon.xsl-unsubscribe@listbot.com Start Your Own FREE Email List at http://www.listbot.com/links/joinlb ------------------------------------------------------- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- To tread the sharp edge of a sword To run on smooth-frozen ice, One needs no footsteps to follow. Walk over the cliffs with hands free. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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