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docbook-apps message

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Hi Everybody!

I've developed a XSL template for conditional generation
of output (see my mail from 6.11.). I just want to filter
out some elements wich should only be available on certain
outputs. The actual version of my XSL-Template looks like

<!-- Filter out elements wich should not be added to print medias -->
<xsl:template match="para|phrase
  <xsl:if test="@arch='print' or not(@arch)">

Sice I had some problems during the conversion of FO to PDF,
I decided to use Norms DSSSL-Stylesheets and Jade to produce
RTF output. This works know pretty good. But now I have to
express the same template in DSSSL and I have no idea how
to do this :-( Is there any DSSSL-Guru out there to help
me with this problem?


Ali :-)

Dipl.-Ing. Ali Saffari - Junior Consultant - SBU Software
Josef-Lammerting-Allee 14-18 - 50933 Cologne - Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)221 770-1853 - Fax: +49 (0)221 770-1005
mailto:asaffari@pironet.com - http://www.pironet.com

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