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Subject: RE: DOCBOOK-APPS: OpenJade/DocBook XML/DSO Stylesheets: iso entities
I have found it!!! It is an .ent files problem. Using jade and DSSSL to compile the .xml file you need to use the entity files that are set up like this; <!-- (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986 Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies. --> <!-- Character entity set. Typical invocation: <!ENTITY % ISOamsa PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Arrow Relations//EN"> %ISOamsa; --> <!ENTITY cularr SDATA "[cularr]"--/curvearrowleft A: left curved arrow --> <!ENTITY curarr SDATA "[curarr]"--/curvearrowright A: rt curved arrow --> <!ENTITY dArr SDATA "[dArr ]"--/Downarrow A: down dbl arrow --> <!ENTITY darr2 SDATA "[darr2 ]"--/downdownarrows A: two down arrows --> <!ENTITY dharl SDATA "[dharl ]"--/downleftharpoon A: dn harpoon-left --> <!ENTITY dharr SDATA "[dharr ]"--/downrightharpoon A: down harpoon-rt --> <!ENTITY lAarr SDATA "[lAarr ]"--/Lleftarrow A: left triple arrow --> <!ENTITY Larr SDATA "[Larr ]"--/twoheadleftarrow A:--> <!ENTITY larr2 SDATA "[larr2 ]"--/leftleftarrows A: two left arrows --> [snip] to get rid of the > openjade:/usr/local/share/xml/docbook-4.1.2/ent/iso-lat1.ent:6 > :19:E: "X00E1" is not a function name errors that using the entity files that look like this; <!-- iso-amsa.ent (initially distributed with DocBook XML DTD V4.1.1beta1) --> <!-- Derived from the corresponding ISO 8879 standard entity set and the Unicode character mappings provided by Sebastian Rahtz With additional derivations from ftp://ftp.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/VENDORS/MISC/SGML.TXT --> <!ENTITY cularr "↶"> <!-- ANTICLOCKWISE TOP SEMICIRCLE ARROW --> <!ENTITY curarr "↷"> <!-- CLOCKWISE TOP SEMICIRCLE ARROW --> <!ENTITY dArr "⇓"> <!-- DOWNWARDS DOUBLE ARROW --> [snip] produces. Question. What problems am I introducing by using the first file? Phill
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