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Subject: RE: DOCBOOK-APPS: OpenJade/DocBook XML/DSO Stylesheets: iso entit ies
Hi Phillip, thats for your message.
here is what I did:
1- download the ISOEnts.zip file from the link you mentioned.
2- extracted the files in the ent directory under docbook. (c:\tools\docbook\ent)
3- renamed the files from ISO* to iso-*.ent (this way I will not change my catalog)
4- when I run:
Set SGML_CATALOG_FILES=c:\tools\jade\xml.soc;c:\tools\docbook\catalog;c:\tools\dsssl\docbook\catalog
\tools\jade\nsgmls -sv -wxml test.xml
I get the following messages:
\tools\jade\nsgmls:I: SP version "1.3.3"
\tools\jade\nsgmls:c:/tools/docbook/ent/iso-amsa.ent:11:16:W: internal SDATA entity
\tools\jade\nsgmls:c:/tools/docbook/ent/iso-amsa.ent:11:71:W: comment in parameter separator
\tools\jade\nsgmls:c:/tools/docbook/ent/iso-amsa.ent:12:16:W: internal SDATA entity
\tools\jade\nsgmls:c:/tools/docbook/ent/iso-amsa.ent:12:70:W: comment in parameter separator
\tools\jade\nsgmls:c:/tools/docbook/ent/iso-amsa.ent:13:16:W: internal SDATA entity
\tools\jade\nsgmls:c:/tools/docbook/ent/iso-amsa.ent:13:63:W: comment in parameter separator
\tools\jade\nsgmls:c:/tools/docbook/ent/iso-amsa.ent:14:16:W: internal SDATA entity
\tools\jade\nsgmls:c:/tools/docbook/ent/iso-amsa.ent:14:69:W: comment in parameter separator
------cut here because the list is very big. ---------
when using the ent files that come with docbook, it was fine.
laurant said that the messages we got were because of a jade bug???
Thanks for taking the time and reply to me.
I appriciate it.
-----Original Message-----
From: Phillip Shelton [mailto:shelton@usq.edu.au]
Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2000 3:46 AM
To: 'DocBook-Apps ML'
Subject: RE: DOCBOOK-APPS: OpenJade/DocBook XML/DSO Stylesheets: iso
is the files that you are looking for.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Laurent Pointal [mailto:pointal@lure.u-psud.fr]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2000 6:26 PM
> To: shelton@usq.edu.au
> Subject: RE: DOCBOOK-APPS: OpenJade/DocBook XML/DSO Stylesheets: iso
> entities
> At 09:28 22/11/2000 +1000, you wrote:
> >I have found it!!!
> >
> >It is an .ent files problem. Using jade and DSSSL to compile
> the .xml file
> >you need to use the entity files that are set up like this;
> Very nice.
> Do you know where we can found these files?
> Thanks.
> Laurent.
> ---
> Laurent POINTAL - CNRS/LURE - Service Informatique Experiences
> Tel/fax: 01 64 46 82 80 / 01 64 46 41 48
> email : pointal@lure.u-psud.fr ou lpointal@planete.net
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