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docbook-apps message

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Subject: RE: DOCBOOK-APPS: Transforming DocBook/XML with jade on Win32

First you need to use the xml.dcl, not the docbook.dcl

Then if this list has an arhcive then in the last week there are some replys
from myself and Norm that answer the second problem.

If you can not find them then I suggest that someone, who still has them,
summerises them and adds them to a FAQ.


> -----Original Message-----
>   Hi there,
>   I'd like to use jade and the DSSSL DocBook Stylesheets,
> also, but run into
> trouble and when I call jade as follows
>     jade -t rtf -d docbook/dsssl/print/docbook.dsl
>          docbook/dsssl/docbook.dcl buch.xml
>   I'm getting a whole lot of error messages that look all like
>     jade:docbook/dtd/docbookx.dtd:74:17:E: "X20AC" is not a
> function name
>   Any hints appreciated,
> Sebastian
> --
>   <? print implode( "", array_reverse( preg_split( "//",
> "dlrow laer "   .
>   "eht ot emoclew" ) ) ); /* visit
> http://www.sebastian-bergmann.de/ */ ?>

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