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Subject: RE: DOCBOOK-APPS: stylesheets availability
<< I'd be curious to know what people are customizing in extensive to medium ways.>> The biggest customizations I make are around chunking. It would be great to be able to easily turn chunking on or off for <sectX> and <sectionX>. I also tend to customize the look and feel things - the latest version of stylesheets help some, but I find I still have to get into the guts of it. There are a couple things on my wish list: 1. If the stylesheet versions could sync with the DTD versions it would be easier to track updates. 2. I guess this is really a DTD issue, but I find myself wishing I could attach a "class" attribute to just about everything to allow finer control over the HTML output (using CSS stylesheets). FYI- I have a preliminary version of a "new user" Docbook tutorial I'm working on at: http://www.cbxtrain.com/xml/docbook/tutorial/gettingstarted/ I'd be glad to hear comments from any who care to take a look. I created a separate stylesheet to generate the HTML help TOC. You need IE5 to view it in the "help wrapper" at the moment - or you can view it without the wrapper by going to: http://www.cbxtrain.com/xml/docbook/tutorial/gettingstarted/html/ It's a work in progress... Dave Crosby CbX
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