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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: stylesheets availability

I worked a lot with the DSSSL for Docbook, customizing headers
and footers (mainly). The result was great: It worked very well
with Jade and Latex and I was able to have my company's logo
at the top of the page and other things, as the doc revision number
and date, etc...

Now I have migrated to XML, so I have to face the Docbookx stylesheets.
I found easier the XSL language. Anyway, I have had to wait to yesterday
for a new FOP release, 0.15.0 wich accept region-names. Without
this, I was unable to create diferents headers for odd and even pages.


Juan R. Migoya

Norman Walsh wrote:
> / "Juan R. Migoya" <jmigoya@ingeteam.es> was heard to say:
> | I understand that they are improvements. They should not
> | be changes in the elements meaning, for example. I have
> | found, thought, thast it is not an easy task to migrate
> | to a new version if you have made an extensive to medium
> | customization. This is just my own experience, and could be
> | that I'm not doing it the right way.
> I'd be curious to know what people are customizing in extensive to
> medium ways. I'm happy to try to make things easier to customize and
> more stable.
>                                         Be seeing you,
>                                           norm
> --
> Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>      | Simplicity is always a
> http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | virtue.--Edward Abbey
> Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |


Juan R. Migoya
Ingelectric-Team, S.A.
Area de Aparatos y Equipos
Tel. 94 403 98 30
Fax. 94 403 96 80

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