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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: stylesheets availability

Sebastian Rahtz <sebastian.rahtz@computing-services.oxford.ac.uk> writes:

> Jorge Godoy writes:
>  > but with the tool used to process the output we get from this
>  > stylesheet. If there was a way to get PostScript (or DVI) or PDF
>  > directly with Jade + DSSSL, it would be *very* nice. But it isn't a
> but there *is* way, the new backend which makes PDF directly. I have
> not tried it myself, but the work is there to look at.

You're referring to fot2pdf, right? 

... or is there another newer PDF backend for Jade?

Michael Smith          mailto:smith@xml-doc.org
XML-DOC                http://www.xml-doc.org/

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