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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: catalog in dbx124.zip

madhu a écrit :
> Hello,
> On Fri, 05 Jan 2001, camille@mandrakesoft.com wrote:
> > Hi Norm & all,
> >
> > I am packaging the DocBook XSL stylesheets and was wondering why there
> > is no catalog file in that distribution while there is one in the DSSSL
> > version?
> >
> > Thanks, Camille.
> because XML/XSL tool set like for example Xalan, Xerces, Saxon  etc do not need
> catalog or rather do not use catalog mechanism at all, or is it the otherway
> round. but norm had provided this mechanism only for xt and xp combination.
> whereas DSSSL or rather jade/openjade etc depend on this.
> so it is not there.

Hum, sufficient reason.
But aren't we supposed to encourage the use of catalog files?


P.S. Just noticed that there is no Reply-to: field in messages from
docbook-apps, should be great to add it.

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