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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: bulleted lists in htmldoc-generated pdf corrupted
On Fri, Jan 05, 2001 at 06:58:01AM -0500, Robert B. Easter wrote: > I'm using the following command to generate pdf from docbook: > > openjade -t sgml -d $DSL/html/htmldoc.dsl some.sgml | htmldoc -f some.pdf - > I do something like the following to produce PDF output: openjade -V tex-backend -d a-print-stylesheet.dsl -t tex my-file.sgml pdfjadetex my-file.tex pdfjadetex my-file.tex pdfjadetex my-file.tex (I believe that you must run pdfjadetex up to three times to resolve all of the internal references.) Thanks, Lane. > -- CompTechServ Tech Services http://www.comptechserv.com/ -- > ---------- http://www.comptechnews.com/~reaster/ ------------ -- Lane Stevens Terrapin Technologies, Inc. http://www.cycletime.com
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