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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: draft vs. final/%show-comments%

NOTE:  This is a repost.  I am hopeful that the reason that I have not seen
a response to the original post is due to the holiday season, and that some
kind soul will respond and provide me with some guideance...

What is the recommended way to handle draft/non-draft designation of
documents.  In particular, I would like remarks to show up in draft versions
of a document, and not in non-draft versions (final?).

I am using DSSSL/openjade with the nwalsh stylesheets.

It appears that there are a few options:
1) Use the %show-comments% variable to control, but this implies having to
change the stylesheet (can this be set and unset from the command line?)
2) Use the status attribute that is associated with the top-level, or the
enclosing element.
3) Using a marked section, but that implies a change to the document to move
from draft to final.

Does anybody have a reasonable approach to this?  Thoughts on what might
work?  Approaches that I have overlooked?

Lane Stevens
Terrapin Technologies, Inc.

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