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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: RE: Saxon feature request]

Here was my request to Michael Kay, 
the developer of the Saxon XSLT processor:

>> We desperately need an xslt processor that uses an entity 
>> resolver when loading URIs via xsl:import, xsl:include, etc. 
>> Is there any possibility that you might consider 
>> such an addition in a future Saxon release?

Here's the response Michael Kay sent to me:

>Do you need more than you can currently achieve with the combination of a
>SAX EntityResolver and a TrAX URIResolver?
>Mike Kay 

Um, I don't know how to answer this... 

Can anyone help me out?


Mark Johnson
Senior Lecturing Fellow
111 Physics Bldg., Box 90305
Department of Physics 
Duke University
Durham, NC 27708-0305
(919) 660-2504  Fax: (919) 660-2525   

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