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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: PSGML 1.2.* and DTD compilation...

Norman Walsh wrote:
> It works fine, for example, for DocBook XML V4.1.2, but when
> attempting to compile the Website DTD, psgml chokes on the compiled
> version of DocBook XML V4.1.2 (which it apparently tries to load when
> it encounters a reference to it in website.dtd). I'm reasonably confident
> that this is related to the fact that I've redefined a whole bunch of
> parameter entities.
> Anyone else encountered this and constructed a workaround? It seems
> like psgml should always read the uncompiled source form of DTDs when
> compiling...

The following combinations work for me:

- XEmacs 21.1 on Solaris / Emacs 20.7 on Linux
- psgml (though I'm a bit confused about the version no.: psgml-version 
  in psgml.el shows 1.2.0)
- website.dtd (V1.8)

I'm not aware that any special workarounds were necessary to make (X)Emacs 
read the compiled DTD.

office:  michael.wiedmann@detewe.de
private: mw@miwie.in-berlin.de                 http://www.miwie.org/
         mw@miwie.org                          http://wap.miwie.org/

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