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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: [xsl] ANN: XAE 1.0beta1 (XML Authoring Environment forEmacs)

I haven't tried it out yet, so don't send your questions to me ( :?)
but for those of you who are interested:

from XSL-List info and archive:  

      Subject: [xsl] ANN: XAE 1.0beta1 available... 
      From: Paul Kinnucan <paulk@mathworks.com> 
      Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 11:38:06 -0500 


About XAE

The XML Authoring Environment for Emacs is a free software package that
allows you to use Emacs and your system's HTML browser to create, transform,
and display XML documents. The XAE includes:

* structured document editing mode (psgml) for Emacs
* technical book and article DTD (Docbook)
* Docbook stylesheets
* XSLT processor (Saxon)
* XAE and Docbook user's guides

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