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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Little bug in 1.61

I remember there used to be a space inserted after an <accel> element.
The space disappeared with latests DSSSL stylesheets, but it appears
that hyphenation still occurs at that place...

See below:
- source SGML
- corresponding generated .tex
- image of corresponding pdf output.

I use openjade and dsssl-1.61 (same with 1.60)


Then, if you haven't already done so, insert an empty disk into your
 chosen floppy drive and click on <GUIMenu><accel>W</>rite</>. When
 completed, click on <GUIMenu>E<accel>x</>it</>, you have a boot disk
 to install your &prog-mandrakesecurity; distribution.
{1}}Then, if you haven't already done so, insert an empty disk into your
 chosen floppy drive and click on \Node%
{after}}W\endScore{}\endNode{}rite\endSeq{}\endNode{}. When
 completed, click on \Node%
{after}}x\endScore{}\endNode{}it\endSeq{}\endNode{}, you have a boot
 to install your \Node%

PNG image

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