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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Xalan 1.2.2 and docbook

Norman Walsh wrote:
> / Eric Richardson <eric@milagrosoft.com> was heard to say:
> | ========= Parsing file:/home/maxwell/xsl/docbook/xhtml/docbook.xsl
> | ==========
> | Error! com/ibm/bsf/util/BSFEngineImpl
> | Xalan: was not successful.
> | XSLProcessor: done
> |
> | This is using the following command line java class.
> |
> | java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -IN book.xml -XSL docbook.xsl -OUT
> | book.html
> What's in your classpath? As near as I can tell, either the bsf stuff
> isn't getting found or you've got a version mismatch, or something.
> (I doubt that it's related to 1.29, but I suppose anything is possible.)

Thanks a bunch, that fixed it. As I didn't need it in the previous setup
I was using, I didn't have it in the classpath.

It says that bsf stands for Bean Scripting Framework which is an XSLT

Either this is just needed for XSLT in general or it is something in the
style sheet that needs it? 

Maybe chunking?

Eric :-)

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