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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: DSSSL, page-number-restart, PDF, and some progress
Hi, I am continuing to bang my head against the wall on this. It seems that the latest version of JadeTex I have, 3.3, inserts PageNumberRestart% macro? calls into the TeX output, and I cannot find them defined anywhere. However, if I add a \pagenumbering{arabic} to the TeX not far after that call, I get my page numbers starting at 1 again. Now to figure out why I do not get the right behaviour normally. Regards ------- Richard Sharpe, sharpe@ns.aus.com Samba (Team member, www.samba.org), Ethereal (Team member, www.ethereal.com) Contributing author, SAMS Teach Yourself Samba in 24 Hours Author, Special Edition, Using Samba
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