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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: DocBook and JadeTex: Left and Right Headers and Footers


I have looked further at this issue of Left and Right Headers and Footers,
and it seems that the problem is that the TeX being generated by OpenJade
does not insert:


into the TeX ... So, the TeX that is generated thinks it is not in TwoSide
mode since there is a 


in the jadetex.dtx file ...

Now, to find out why OpenJade does the wrong things and if J Clark's Jade
does the right things ...

Richard Sharpe, sharpe@ns.aus.com
Samba (Team member, www.samba.org), Ethereal (Team member, www.ethereal.com)
Contributing author, SAMS Teach Yourself Samba in 24 Hours
Author, Special Edition, Using Samba

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