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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Centering Figure Graphics
We are having the same problem with DSSSL version 1.63 as M. Wroth was having with version 1.60, but the fix Norm recommended below doesn't work. Is it supposed to work for 1.63, or is there another reason we can't center figure graphics in HTML? Norman Walsh wrote: > > / "M. Wroth" <mark@astrid.upland.ca.us> was heard to say: > | However, I would like the figures to be centered on the page, and they are > | showing up left-justified. What am I doing wrong? > > Nothing. Stylesheet bug. Fixed in CVS. Try this: > > (element imagedata > (if (have-ancestor? (normalize "mediaobject")) > ($img$ (current-node) #t) > ($img$ (current-node) #f))) > > instead of the current definition. Cheerio! Bob --------------------------------------- Robert McIlvride (robert@cogent.ca) Cogent Real-Time Systems (www.cogent.ca)
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