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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Questions on jadetex.cfg

Holger Rauch wrote on 010603 20:33 +0200:
> I was looking at the DSSSL FAQ on how to change the link color used in PDF
> files. The file that needs to be changed in order to achieve that is
> "adetex.cfg". However, "jadetex.cfg" doesn't seem to be included in the
> JadeTeX distribution, and so it seems that I have to create my own
> "jadetex.cfg" file. Where do I have to put so that it's found by JadeTeX
> and where is a list of all configurable options for the JadeTeX package?

Put it in your working directory (this is documented at

A minimal content for your case would be:


mw@miwie.in-berlin.de                              http://www.miwie.org

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