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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: DOCBOOK: Announce: Website 2.0a1 (ALPHA) released
At 10:15 PM 6/5/01, Norman Walsh wrote: >| Definition of 'root' please? Is this root of the file system, or >| root relative to the build point, the root relative to the first >| xml file processed... or something else? > >Mumble. That depends a little bit. Each website must occupy a single >directory tree. If you don't specify a directory, the file will go >in the logical root of that tree. > >This is probably going to be the directory you ran the build command in, >but you can change that with the output-root parameter. Nice to see param.xml Norm! admon.graphics.path - is that relative to the output-root param? >| 7. The example discussed, doesn't actually have an 'index.html' >| derived from website.xml > >Uhm. I built it from autolayout.xml? I guess this is documentation for the stylesheets. >| 8. There is no example usage of tocskip. > >Sure there is. Click on the 'Building' link in the TOC and you'll be >taken to the 'Using Make' subpage. From the build I did, I get 'dummy page', not to a Using Make page. >| 9. Relative references. >Oh, barf. I want a @%@%!!$# entity resolver. > > docbook/xsl/... normal stylesheets > docbook/website/xsl/... website stylesheets Tks. >| 1. The link to the text only version, txtindex.html, is invalid, >| is that a build option? > >You have to build the text-only version separately. Sigh. > > make TEXTONLY=1 > >I think. Is there a param to do this? (I've never used either of the makes). It would be a nice option? >The whole layout is more-or-less a catalog thing. If you copy the >SourceForge layout, it'll work "out of the box". But I may change >the relative references to point to the web, too. They are easy to find/change, since they call up the dialler :-) Regards DaveP
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