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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: PassiveTex problems

Title: PassiveTex problems

I use the newest XSL docbook stylesheets together with PassiveTex and have several problems (saxon or xalan XSL processor):

1) error messages in Tex, when processing the resulting fo file:

   --Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted)
  --(to be read again)
  --l.3019 </fo:list-item-label>

This error occurs in areas, tagged with "itemizedlist" and causes TEX to print the text "label-end()" in the page header of the pdf output.

2) German Hyphenation (justified paragraphs) seems not to work at all in TEX (Seems to be disabled)(Can't be a TEX config problem. It works with JADE.).

3) Tex can't find any images (but does, if I use 1.29 stylesheets):
  -- File 'url(file:./images/pin.png' not found on input ...

Thanks for any input.

IHS Technologies GmbH
Matthias Gutbier
Product Manager

Phone.: +49 89 540924 70
Fax.:   +49 89 540924 10
E-Mail: mgutbier@ihs.de

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