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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Automatic Image Type Selection


I'm including a company logo the following way:

	<imagedata fileref="images/HEITEC_Logo_25" align="center"/>
	<phrase>HEITEC Logo</phrase>

I'm using Jade/Openjade and the DSSSL style sheets V 1.70. When I produce
PDF output using pdfjadetex, the correct image type gets chosen
automatically (PNG). When I produce HTML, however, the correct image type
is NOT chosen automatically. Instead the link to the image is created as:

<P><IMGSRC="images/HEITEC_Logo_25" ALIGN="center"></P>

This is clearly wrong! Instead the correct suffix should be appended to
the filename ("gif" or "jpg" for HTML output). Why doesn't this happen? Do
I REALLY have to specify two different imageobjects (one for print output,
one for HTML output)?

Thanks in advance for any help!



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