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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Causing emacs to create submenus...

Using an xsl, I generated line of dtd declaration to constrain the
linkend attribute of glossterm to the values of the ids of the
glossentrys in our master glossary (which has 100 or so glossentrys). 

In emacs, when I select "Markup->Insert Attribute->linkend" I'm
presented with a menu of all the possible attribute values
(glossary.foo, glossary.bar, glossary.etc, and so on). Currently, emacs
gives me one big menu. Is there an easy way to make emacs give me a
series of sub-menus, like it does when I select "Markup->Insert Element"
at a point where many elements are allowed (e.g. "abbrev-email"
"emphasis-guimenuit" etc.)?

This isn't that big a deal, since C-c + and tab completion gives me the
all the convenience I need, but I'd like to make life easier for those
who prefer menus.


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