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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Underscore in titles and hyperref package

ekkehard.goerlach@pharma.novartis.com wrote:
> I try to transform a docbook document into pdf that has underscores in
> chapter titles (e.g. Class_Name). I am using openjade 1.3, the DSSSL
> stylesheets V1.70 and pdftex. The hyperref package, however, thinks that an
> underscore starts a subscript:

This works for me using jade 1.2.1, so it looks like an openjade bug!
"_" is correct in the TOC and in the chapter title itself.
The resulting TeX-code assuming a chapter title of "Ch_01":


[ I don't have openjade here ]

office:  michael.wiedmann@detewe.de
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