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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Justification of document <title/> in Docbook-FO
/ "Rafael R. Sevilla" <sevillar@team.ph.inter.net> was heard to say: | I'm just irritated by this... Whenever I try to process a DocBook | <article/> with a <title/> under <articleinfo/>, the title is fully | justified, but only if the title is too long to precisely fit on one line. | I think this is *really* ugly. I would wish that the title were centered | or at the very least left-justified. | | This happens with the XSL stylesheets, FO output, the generated PDF has | those same characteristics whether converted to PDF by means of FOP | (0.19.0 CVS) or PassiveTeX. Grrrr... Fixed. Be seeing you, norm -- Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | The universe that we observe has http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | precisely the properties we should Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | expect if there is, at bottom, no | design, no purpose, no evil and no | good, nothing but pitiless | indifference.--Richard Dawkins
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