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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Underscore in titles and hyperref package

Michael Wiedmann <mw@miwie.in-berlin.de> wrote:

> Using openjade and jadetex 3.5 produces *almost* correct PDF:
> - the "_" in the title text displays as expected,
> - the entry in the TOC is correct too,
> - but in the bookmarks the '_' just disappears.

> But at least you'll get a valid PDF file -)

Yes, I upgraded to jadetex 3.5 and now the small example works. However, I
still have a problem with my big document as (next level of complication)
hyperref omits the _sth stuff and so the 'destination identifiers' of
chapter titles are not unique any more. Hence there are lots of -999 and ??
in the TOCs.

But I think that is not a docbook question. I'll post a question on the
pdftex mailing list.

Thanks for all who responded,

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