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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: valid xhtml and chunking
I installed the 1.40 xsl stylesheets today, and I was interested to see if the xhtml output would validate against an xhtml dtd. I had some problems with this (I am using saxon 6.2.2 if this is relevant). Firstly, I needed to be able to specify the xml output method, and the public and system doctype keywords. The html/chunker.xsl file did not seem very conducive to this (I resorted to editing the file), as I could not find an appropriate parameter to specify in the stylesheet driver (have I missed something?). the xhtml/chunk.xsl file did not provide a means to specify the doctype (I believe I probably supplied this file in it's original form, so mea culpa), so i edited this. Having got so far, I was able to get nearly valid xhtml. Throwing resulting chunks at random at the W3C validator, I observe that it will not validate against the strict dtd (bgcolor for instance - I assume this is for backwards compatibility?). Against the Transitional DTD, the only problem I found was that the validator complains about missing the alt attribute from img tags. I have come up against this problem myself when writing stylesheets, and got round it by coding alt=" " on every img tag. Lastly, using saxon, the xml declaration gets written to stdout for the document as a whole, and so does not end up in index.xhtml. The chunks all get a xml declaration. I notice that the presence of an xml declaration screws up presentation of the pages in opera 5 (and probably in other browsers that also claim to support xhtml - huh!). So a parameter to specify whether or not to omit the xml declaration would also be useful. Norman, if after pointing out anything I have missed, then if you like, I will provide the neccesary code to allow generation of fully validating xhtml code. -- Colin Paul Adams Preston Lancashire
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