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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Bad Continuation of Multi-Byte UTF-8 Sequence


What causes and how do I get rid of the following error:

Fatal error reported by XML parser: bad continuation of multi-byte UTF-8
sequence (character code: 0x75)

URL:    file:/mercury/empic/export/EMPIC/docs/user-manual/empic/arbeitsablaeufe.xml
  Line:   -1
  Column: 367
  org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: bad continuation of multi-byte UTF-8
sequence (character code: 0x75): bad continuation of multi-byte UTF-8
sequence (character code: 0x75)
Transformation failed

I'm using GNU Emacs 20.7.1 and PSGML to edit my files, the encoding
defaults to UTF-8 (no "encoding" attribute specified in the xml
declaration) in conjunction with Saxon 6.3 and the XSL style sheets
1.40. The error above occurred when I tried to convert my DocBook XML file
to Javahelp format.

Thanks in advance for any help!



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