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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Bug with chunk.first.sections ?


I've got some problems processing multi-level <section>s with the HTML
stylesheets 1.40.

The TOC points to pages that don't exist when chunk.first.sections is
on. The problem occurs for the chapter/section/section levels.

Here's an example :

<book id="testbook">
      <title> Chapter ch01</title>
	<title>Section ch01s01</title>
	  <title>Section ch01s01subs01</title>
	  <title>Section ch01s01subs02</title>
	<title>Section ch01s02</title>
	  <title>Section ch01s02subs01</title>
	  <title>Section ch01s02subs02</title>

Here's the stylesheet :
<xsl:import href="../../xsl/docbook/html/chunk.xsl"/>
<xsl:param name='using.chunker' select="1"/>
<xsl:param name='use.id.as.filename' select="1"/>
<xsl:param name='chunk.sections' select="1"/>
<xsl:param name='chunk.first.sections' select="1"/>

And here's the result dumped with lynx :
   Table of Contents
   1 [4]Chapter ch01
        [5]Section ch01s01
              [6]Section ch01s01subs01
              [7]Section ch01s01subs02
        [8]Section ch01s02
              [9]Section ch01s02subs01
              [10]Section ch01s02subs02
        Chapter 1. Chapter ch01
   1. file://localhost/home/sylvain/work-area/xml/work/tests/html/index.html
   2. file://localhost/home/sylvain/work-area/xml/work/tests/html/ch01.html
   3. file://localhost/home/sylvain/work-area/xml/work/tests/html/ch01.html
   4. file://localhost/home/sylvain/work-area/xml/work/tests/html/ch01.html
   5. file://localhost/home/sylvain/work-area/xml/work/tests/html/ch01s01.html
   6. file://localhost/home/sylvain/work-area/xml/work/tests/html/ch01s01s02.html
   7. file://localhost/home/sylvain/work-area/xml/work/tests/html/ch01s01s03.html
   8. file://localhost/home/sylvain/work-area/xml/work/tests/html/ch01s04.html
   9. file://localhost/home/sylvain/work-area/xml/work/tests/html/ch01s04s05.html
  10. file://localhost/home/sylvain/work-area/xml/work/tests/html/ch01s04s06.html
  11. file://localhost/home/sylvain/work-area/xml/work/tests/html/ch01.html

The pages 6, 7, 9 and 10 don't exist. The chunker makes them sections
of the 5 and 8 pages.

Of course, without the
<xsl:param name='chunk.first.sections' select="1"/>
all is fine.


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