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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Q) newbie to docbook and chunking

On Wed, 20 Jun 2001 Jeffrey_Franks@i-o.com wrote:
> Hi,
> I've just got my HTML tool chain working. Now I would
> like to have multple pages - like one for each chapter, etc.

What set of stylesheets are you using, XSL or DSSSL?  If you use XSL, what
XSLT processor do you have?

> This newbie reviewed the mail archive and found the
> subject very confusing. I see it is related to chunking
> and XSLT stuff and I have not come up to speed on
> all of this yet.

There is a html/chunk.xsl stylesheet you can use in the XSL stylesheets if
you don't use James Clark's XT XSLT engine (in which case you ought to use
html/xtchunk.xsl instead).

> Can someone suggest a compatable set of tools that
> gets the job done for a Linux platform? Where are the
> instructions and docs to do this type of thing?

Frankly, I found the DSSSL route much too clunky, so I decided to go the
XSL route.  Three things are needed to do it this way:

1. The DocBook XSL Stylesheets (obviously)
2. Any XSL transformations processor
3. An XSL Formatting objects processor (if you want to make PDF from dbk)

The XSLT processors I use are Michael Kay's Saxon, James Clark's XT, and
the Apache Project's Xalan.  There are apparently only two free (speech)
XSL-FO processors available: the Apache Project's FOP and Sebastian
Rahtz's PassiveTeX.  The latter can be used to typeset MathML, but it's
relatively more difficult to set up than FOP (standard TeX installations
that come with the Linux distros I use don't work very well...I had to get
the 250 meg TeXLive ISO to do it!).

Rafael R. Sevilla <sevillar@team.ph.inter.net>   +63(2)   8177746 ext. 8311
Programmer, InterdotNet Philippines              +63(917) 4458925

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