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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Q) newbie to docbook and chunking

"Rafael R. Sevilla" <sevillar@team.ph.inter.net> writes:

> On Thu, 21 Jun 2001, Holger Rauch wrote:
> [...]
> > At least when using FOP, I don't have the impression that the XSL
> > route is yet ready for DocBook. One has to explicitly specify column
> > widths in tables, chapter/section names in headers are not yet
> > supported because fo:marker (hope I got it right) is yet missing in
> > FOP, etc. I also heard of some difficulties when working with larger
> > documents (which means more than some 20 pages).
> True, true.  Only because Jade is a better DSSSL processor than FOP is an
> XSL-FO processor.  But then hopefully FOP will improve as time goes by,
> provided there is enough motivation for such improvement.

And motivation will come only when more people switch to using
PassiveTeX or FOP, report bugs, make enhancement requests to the
developers. The more people and groups that keep on using Jade/DSSSL
instead, the less that further development/refinement of open-source
XSLFO apps is helped.

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