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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: EntityResolver?

Previously converted a simple document to HTML Help using htmlhelp.dsl. Now
trying to use xmlhelp.xsl, I get the same null error from xalan as the one
in this thread:

XSLT Error(javax.xml.transform.TransformerException): null

However, we use a catalog only in our editing environment (Epic). No catalog
is involved, to my knowledge, when I run xalan. Is there any other
interpretation for this error besides the catalog problem?

Here's the entire CLI output from my run

rocess -IN xmldiffmrg.xml -XSL ..\contrib\htmlhelp\htmlhelp.xsl
file:///D:/docbook-htmlhelp/htmlhelp-xsl/docbook/html/chunk-common.xsl; Line
; Column 16; Writing index.html for book
file:///D:/docbook-htmlhelp/htmlhelp-xsl/docbook/html/chunk-common.xsl; Line
; Column 16; Writing ch01.html for chapter
file:///D:/docbook-htmlhelp/htmlhelp-xsl/docbook/html/table.xsl; Line 150;
n 71;
XSLT Error (javax.xml.transform.TransformerException): null


Denis Bradford
Rational Software, 20 Maguire Road, Lexington, MA 02421

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