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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Bug in FOP, or in the XSL stylesheets?
It seems I've created a DocBook document that the stylesheets (1.40) produced FO for that FOP couldn't handle. I get this error after converting it to XSL-FO and then processing with FOP: FOP 0.19.0-CVS using SAX parser org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser building formatting object tree WARNING: property 'linefeed-treatment' ignored WARNING: property 'linefeed-treatment' ignored WARNING: property 'linefeed-treatment' ignored WARNING: property 'linefeed-treatment' ignored WARNING: property 'linefeed-treatment' ignored ERROR: page-sequence must be child of root, not fo:block I have no trouble converting the document to HTML, or using PassiveTeX to convert FO to PDF. Is FOP right, and <fo:page-sequence/> must be a child of root, not <fo:block/>? Is that what the XSL draft says? If so, the bug is in the stylesheets. You can see the errant document here: http://dido.engr.internet.org.ph/projects/xml-lit/xml-lit-1.0-incomplete.xml If you're wondering what this is, it's a literate programming system I'm developing. -- Rafael R. Sevilla <sevillar@team.ph.inter.net> +63(2) 8177746 ext. 8311 Programmer, InterdotNet Philippines +63(917) 4458925 http://dido.engr.internet.org.ph/ -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.12 GAT d- s:- a- C++++ UL+++ P+++ L+++ E++ W++ N+ o K- w--- O- M-- V- PS+ PE Y+ PGP++ t+ 5 X+ R tv+ b+++ DI++ D+ G e++ h! r++ y+ ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
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