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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: alternate ulinks for print and html?

Kevin Dunn writes:

> Is it possible to provide different URLs for ulinks depending on whether I am using a print or html stylesheet? I don't want to do this for all ulinks, just select ones. I am picturing something like:
> <ulink url="printurl.com" type="print">Somewhere</ulink>
> <ulink url="htmlurl.com" type="html">Somewhere Else</ulink>
> where only one of these would generate a link, depending on the backend.

Marked sections would probably work best.  Otherwise you'd need to modify
the style sheet.

> Is there an existing attribute for differentiating print and html markup?

role seems to be a good candidate.

Peter Eisentraut   peter_e@gmx.net   http://funkturm.homeip.net/~peter

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