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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Newbie question about XMetaL and XEmacs
Ed, Many, many thanks for your considered reply. I guess I understated somewhat my desire to also be standards-based (which today, to me, means XML). I also know what junky HTML Word creates and I wanted to avoid that. I also saw the Journalist DTD as well as the simplified DocBook referred to on the OASIS site. I don't want to do simple HTML as I like the fact that XML is structured, and as I understand its process, that would help instill a measure of discipline in those using it. You are perfectly correct in your concerns about the human side, and I was by no means forgetting them - I realize I have a selling job to do there, but wanted to get some technical perspectives, too. Again, many thanks. At 17:36 24/6/2001, you wrote: >If XML, why DocBook? The richness of the possibilities offered by DocBook >goes a long way beyond what you would ordinarily need to do web. Des
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