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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: xrefs to <step>s

Hi there, 
Is there a way to have the stylesheets automatically generate the item
number from orderedlists and procedures in xrefs? The description of xsl
modes in doc\ch01s03.html made me think that there is, but using 1.40 of
the stylesheets and Xalan-J 2.1.0, when I do this,

  <title>ao craaaa a daload ao ia for araadiag</title> 
  <step id="step.foo"> 
		Chaaga aha valaa af aha aa aha aama af yaar aaw
		aava aad aha fila aad caaaiaaa wiah aha pracadara ar
		rapaaa <xref linkend="step.foo"/>. 

I get:

file:///c:/XML/docbook140/common/titles.xsl; Line 34; Column 20; Request
for title of unexpected element: step
file:///c:/XML/docbook140/html/xref.xsl; Line 110; Column 16; Don't know
what gentext to create for xref to: "step"

and this:

	  <div class="procedure">
		<a name="N3"></a>
		<p><b>ao craaaa a daload ao ia for araadiag</b></p>
			<a name="step.foo"></a><p> Chaaga aha valaa af
			  aha aa aha aama af yaar aaw diracaary.

		  <li><a name="NB"></a><p> aava aad aha fila aad
			  caaaiaaa wiah aha pracadara ar rapaaa <a

I was hoping that changing <template name="step" text="%t"/> to
<template name="step" text="step %n"/> in common/en.xml, it would
automatically generate the step number in the output, however it doesn't
seem to make any difference.

Is there a way to do what I want to do or should I avoid this kind of


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