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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: link from HTML to docbook HTML


I was wondering if there is a way to create links from HTML files to
docbook generated HTML.
I experimented with the DSSL style sheet, if i give a "id" to a section
or chapter,
most of the time i get file named like that.
Which makes it easy to links to them from the outside, and even internal
anchors do work.

But in case of the first section within a chapter, the first section is
placed on the same page as the chapter and
its table of contents, so no seperate file.
Therefore  next question would be how can i control that (certain)
sections get placed on seperate pages.
I tried <beginpage>, but that not make a difference.

For the XML style sheets the behaviour is different, i get files like
ch01.html , sect01.html etc.

So i am wondering if i should forget about the idea, still
i have a strong need for it :-(.

Thanks for some advice


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