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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: problem with itemized list in a table

Hi Everyone,
I'm working on a HOWTO that has a table with an itemized list in it.  I
looked in "DocBook: The Definitive Guide," and it looks like it's legal to
have these tags inside a table, but every time I try to validate the
document I get the error "character data not allowed here" for the lines
with the </itemizedlist> tags.  I'm including the part of my document that
has the table at the end of this message.  I'd appreciate any help I can
get!  Thanks in advance.


     <table frame="all"><title>System Requirements</title>
                <tgroup cols="3" align="left" colsep="1" rowsep="1">
                <entry>General Requirements</entry>
                <entry>Hardware Requirements</entry>
                <entry>Software Requirements</entry>

 Kristin Thomas
 Linux Information Development
 Linux Technology Center
 Ph. (512) 838-4546
 T/L 678-4546
 Bldg. 908 1D002

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